Monday, December 13, 2010

on behalf of the retailers: a paper rant


Connally said...

i work in retail. three years of awfulness.
those people make me glare and sigh, two things i dislike doing in regard to people. but it can't be helped in such situations.

i adore your paper rants. genuine heart.

Ashlee said...

Amen sister. Someday you should do a paper rant about the waitress who is working the closing shift and has to stay and listen to the drunk people laugh and laugh and laugh while the restaurant is CLOSED and they keep ordering MORE wine because they CAN because we can't kick them out because we can't REALLY close until the last table leaves. *the end*

kiersten said...

haha I have TOTALLY been that person.

My bad.

I have also been the one who stands angrily as the late customer fidgets for whatever they are here to give me. It's five oh three. My time sheet says "Done @ 5:00" Now I have put in three minutes of overtime and won't get paid a penny.

It happened just the other week, actually.

Joni said...

I hear that!
I haaaated it when people would come into the cafe right at closing time and order a full course meal. Made my blood boil.
So yes, I don't do that EVER!
Well said suzy.

Amy @ AGirlCalledBeloved said...


anna said...

oh geez. i know the type. i don't work in retail, i work in a restaraunt. i hate it when people come in 5 minutes before close because we aren't allowed to turn them away, so there we sit for another hour after we're closed just so people can stuff their faces. we do stay on the clock though, so that's a plus. :)
i vow to never do this to retail, if you vow to never do it to the dear little employees in the retaraunt business! ;)

la petite lydia said...

Your blog is wonderful! I loved this post!

Steven Cain said...

I'm lost... who is Hilroy?

Unknown said...

I HATE those people who come in right when i'm closing my store! I a bonus depending on how much i sell, and it really sucks when they come in at 9, stay for 30 minutes and then don't buy anything! It's the worst. But I feel for ya

RIPplePuddle said...

I once tried to break my own finger to get out of my retail job. I think we might share the same sentiment here.

JTay said...

Those who work in the tourism industry are not exempt. People used to do this when I worked at the Science Centre and it drove us crrraaaazy. One time this 45-year-old lady (who tried to look like a 25-year-old with all her tanning and cosmetic adjustments) from California came in and was dancing like she was drunk in the shadow-memory room, laughing and exclaiming "Just 5 more minutes! We don't have anything like is in California!"

Seriously? You don't have anything like the Saskatchewan Science Centre in all of California? Jeepers.

morgan said...

this is awesome. when i worked at this grocery store the same woman showed up five minutes before closing every night to buy broccoli and ten individual bags of different nuts from the bulk section. really? yes. anyone who works retail is a saint.

nova said...

I will literally refuse to go into a store in the last half hour they're open unless I absolutely HAVE TO. And then I'm all efficient and apologetic. I've been a customer service dude for too many years to become that horrible person who thinks you have to work on their schedule.

suzy said...

amylou: GOOD.

joni, anna p: oohhhh man. restaurants is a WHOLE NOTHER ISSUE. people. pft.

kiersten: haha, i love that you're both people. funny.

ashlee: i think YOU should do that paper rant. i'd love that.

connally: three years are you kidding me? wow. you lasted a lot longer than i did. kudos.

la petite lydia: aw THANK you!! :)

kelsey: absolutely, when you're not even making any money off of it. tsk tsk tsk.

steven: why don't you blog anymore?

carla: hahahaha, there is an easier way to do that. it's called a two-weeks-notice. :)

justine: i didn't know you worked at the science centre! wow. and wow to the california lady story. some people.

nova: ME TOO. i feel like the person behind the counter has all but the right to break my legs if i make them stay late.

morgan: hahaha, i worked at a grocery store once. that job wrecked me. shudder...

Kelsey said...

that happened to me a lot when I worked at a smoothie shop

suzy said...

a smoothie shop?
wow i'd love to work in a smoothie shop...