Thursday, January 6, 2011

new years revolutions

a sudden, complete or marked change in something

my new year's revolution: i quit my job.
how's that for sudden, complete, and marked?

it's not a resolution, because it's not something i've resolved to do--i already did it. it's done. and now a lot of other things are going to change.
{i love change. now you know what to get me for Christmas next year.}

i prefer a revolution to a resolution because it's easier, in a way. because you make an action, not just a choice, a single action that affects everything {example: getting married, buying a house, taking a job, moving, going to university, etc}. and then if it was the right thing, that initial action, there will be a bunch of positive little offshoots sprouting up all over your life. in this case, it's things that i might have "resolved" to do but never actually gotten done for lack of time.

 i'm going to teach piano lessons and spend more time volunteering and going for coffee with someone who just needs to talk and keeping the house clean and cooking something good for barclay to come home to and reading and learning and growing and praying and just being ridiculous with my friends and my husband.

going to shows.
walking around.
trying new things.
trying new things that are not the same as the other new things which i've already tried.
maybe even trying new things over and above the aforementioned! wow!
and some other stuff.
lots of that.
plus sleeping a lot, because being sick all the time makes you tired. but i'm excited about that too, because i need it, and haven't really been getting it lately.

the excitement that is welling up in my ribcage is shining out my eyes like a hundred jillion flashlights.
i will miss my job, and especially the people here, but this is absolutely the right move for right now.

oh i'm just tickled pink.


leyla said...

the list of things you're going to do is exactly the same things i want to do...minus the teaching piano, because I don't even know how to play in the first place. I do want to take lessons though.

anyway...that sounds wonderful. i'm jealous.

sarahannnoel said...

I too know this feeling of relief and am so happy for you.

Mich said...

wow! Sounds awesome. and sounds like barclay is awesome to be supporting you in that. :) I'm excited for you!!

Chantelle said...

I'm so glad that you're tickled pink! :) This life change sounds great for you guys. (oh and I used to teach piano lessons many moons ago) :)

Chess said...

I'm so happy for you! When quitting your job is the right thing to do, it feels so, SO good! Can't wait to read about all the wonderful hijinks you will get up to. :-)

Ashlee said...

WOW! Good for you. I think 2011 might be a year of revolution for me too....eventually ;)

Rebecca said...

i can feel the excitement! how liberating!

Kayla said...

Oh I'm so JEALOUS! And happy for you. I would give my very favorite pair of socks to be able to quit my job. And if we lived closer, I'd take piano lessons from you.

Amy @ AGirlCalledBeloved said...

Congrats! sounds like an awesome thing for your family right now!

RIPplePuddle said...

You're at peace with your choice, which can only mean that there's something bigger you're supposed to be doing.
And you just took the first step.

Jen Glen said...

Do you know how jealous I am of you??? Sooo jealous! My quit is still 6 months away...and's still all up in the air, but I do hope I get to do all that you're going to get to do as well! (Except the teach piano lessons part...that would be a gong show!)

Jillian said...

I am go excited for you :)
You will do (and already do) good things.

love this for you. love it.

Anonymous said...

i love this. I want to do the exact same thing.

Have fun doing all of these wonderful things. :)

suzy said...

leyla: aw nuts--you should come take lessons from me! i'm looking for students...

sarahann: thank you! :D

mich: he IS. i'm so thankful for that man.

chantelle: ooh, any tips?

chess: hijinks. good word. i'll have to get into some. :)

ashlee: that's fantastic. i've got to catch up on your blog, i'm so behind on my reader. i'll come over and find out what revolutions are happening in your world. :)

rebecca: liberating. exactly.

kayla: hmm...well the commute can't be that bad. can it?

amylou: sanks. :)

carla: indeed. now i'm steppin all over the place. go me.

jen: it'll fly by. i promise. and all of a sudden you'll be 85 and those six months will be a wee blur.

jillian: thanks! it's a revolutionary year for you too hey? :)

creatingkarlek: well then do it! :)

Michelle Clement said...

Eeek! :) That's exciting! I admire your attitude to change & New Year's goals very very much. :) Good luck with everything that's new on your horizon!

Alycia said...

that's great! this is my first visit so idk if i missed any background but i'm happy for you :) thanks for your comment on my blog too!

Holly Knitlightly said...

I'm SO happy for you, Suzy! I think this is going to be such a great change. I'm excited to see what awesome things this will bring!

suzy said...

michelle: thanks so much! i'm really pumped. :)

alycia: well thanks for stopping by! i don't think you missed anything that would make this post make more sense, but you're welcome to hang out and read more if you want. :)

holly: i'm PUMPED. i'm learning to knit, you know. i thought you'd be proud. :)